While working on that promised evolution post. I got to thinking, with a blog that aims to have as wide a scope as I hope, how will people be able to work out what they would like to read?
Well I imagine that this was the very thing that Blogger's labelling system was devised for! So here is a brief outline of the labels that I intend to use, and a description of what they mean.
'The basics of:' The title given to all those posts that detail processes and how to's. Expect this to be primarily based around the world of science. Alongside this will be post about real world skills, tutorials and other such things.
Yesterday's games today:' A feature I hope to run quite regularly (I won't tie myself to any timeframe, it'll only annoy me if I fail). I need an excuse to return to my retro games collection. I'll write about my experiences of the classics (and not so classics) this time around.
'Personal' Posts that are about me in some way.
Comment on:' I aim for this to be a sort of mini
comment is free. If I see a news item somewhere that I feel the need to voice my opinion on, it will go here.
Is it any good?' My own personal reviews column. Music, Games, Films and more will all feature here.
Fun' Should I see or hear anything that tickles me I'll pass it along.
Other' Because this very post doesn't fit into any of the above.
This list isn't intended to be exhaustive. I'm sure I'll add things as time goes on, and maybe lose areas I'm not so committed to.
Anything you'd like to see written about that fits in the above categories? Use the comment box below to get in touch.